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  • Imagine if you will…tens of millions of starving Mexicans sweeping north in a tidal wave of human bodies…does the fox network really matter now?

    Think Progress » Fox Military Analyst on Syria: ‘We Can Talk To Them When We Line Them Up and Kill Them’ 2006

  • It was great to see him take on Chris Wallace and the fox network.

    Think Progress » FULL TRANSCRIPT: Clinton Takes On Fox News 2006

  • I have been yelling at the eagles and the packers to go ahead and FREAKING SCORE so i can watch the new episode of the simpsons that is supposed to play tonight. i dont get to sit around and watch tv all that much, so a sunday at home with the family should mean bonding over the fox network. however the NFL will not cooperate with me. christ almighty, you are professionals. get the damn ball across the damn line. throw it, run it, kick it, do whatever. im just growing impatient and im going to kill someone if i have to watch a post game show. someone in either philidelphia or green bay should be expecting an angry letter of complaint in the mail earlier - later i'm really tired of studying - 2005-03-11 back in the law library - 2005-03-10 my eyes, my eyes!!

    happychelsea Diary Entry happychelsea 2004


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